
Sunday, March 17, 2013

My research topic is on Differentiated Instruction.  I will compare and contrast Kindergarten – 3rd Grade classroom teachers who differentiate instruction and those who do not.  The reading and math scores at my school are extremely low.   I believe this has a lot to do with direct instruction or the lack thereof within the classroom.  We have numerous students coming to 2nd grade who are not able to read and are lacking basic math skills.  I will discuss with teachers their teaching practices, as well as read articles on the importance of differentiating instruction within the classroom.  I would like to compare teaching strategies and basically how teachers reach every student through various learning strategies.  A lot of the teachers at my school depend totally on technology for learning within their classroom.  I need to see if there is a direct correlation that will affect my research as well.  My target population will be Kindergarten – 3rd Grade.  I will speak with different teachers and see how they vary instruction.  I will visit the library and see how other researchers developed their topic using different populations.  I have chosen Kindergarten – 3rd Grade because this is where students get their literacy and mathematical foundations.  Therefore, I feel studying this age group will help me see what is happening in the early stages.  I am planning on speaking with different teachers, and our interventionist.  I will also research the library on various teaching strategies for reaching every child regardless of learning styles and preference.   I will speak with teachers and principals from other schools with a different population as well as the same as mine.  I know there is a lot of documentation on differentiated instruction.  I am eager to see how important differentiation is to teacher that do not differentiate instruction.
Revisions to
SIP/PIP based
on monitoring
Get an idea of what and how many different  teaching styles are being utilized
Confidential Survey given to  Teachers new & veteran
Computer/Paper & Pencil
Myself & AP
Begin 3/13
Print out benchmark test & weekly common test for Kinder – 3rd.
Compare & Contrast grades in Kinder – 3rd for Reading & Math
Form a line of communication with Teachers on their teaching styles
Begin to speak with individual teachers from Kinder to 3rd about their delivery of instruction
Speak confidentially with Teachers about how they deliver instruction.
Myself & Teachers
3/13 - ongoing
Keep a record or journal of conversation with teachers.
Verbally discuss with teachers how their students are progressing if they use a different teaching method.
Gather information by using technology
Research how other students began their research online – research.
Lamar Library database
Print out information to use as a comparison.
Show my A/P different ideas that were used in the past.
Consult with teachers from different districts on their teaching styles and methods.
Compare Teaching styles
Speak with other teachers
Myself &Other Teachers
Keep conversation log in a journal.
Report my findings to my A/P about my journal entries. When all research is completed and my AP says its ok.  Report findings to Teachers & Administration.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Research Topic

My research topic is on Differentiated Instruction.  I will compare and contrast Kindergarten – 3rd Grade classroom teachers who differentiate instruction and those who do not.  The reading and math scores at my school are extremely low.   I believe this has a lot to do with direct instruction or the lack thereof within the classroom.  We have numerous students coming to 2nd grade who are not able to read and are lacking basic math skills.  I will discuss with teachers their teaching practices, as well as read articles on the importance of differentiating instruction within the classroom.  I would like to compare teaching strategies and basically how teachers reach every student through various learning strategies.  A lot of the teachers at my school depend totally on technology for learning within their classroom.  I need to see if there is a direct correlation that will affect my research as well.  My target population will be Kindergarten – 3rd Grade.  I will speak with different teachers and see how they vary instruction.  I will visit the library and see how other researchers developed their topic using different populations.  I have chosen Kindergarten – 3rd Grade because this is where students get their literacy and mathematical foundations.  Therefore, I feel studying this age group will help me see what is happening in the early stages.  I am planning on speaking with different teachers, and our interventionist.  I will also research the library on various teaching strategies for reaching every child regardless of learning styles and preference.   I will speak with teachers and principals from other schools with a different population as well as the same as mine.  I know there is a lot of documentation on differentiated instruction.  I am eager to see how important differentiation is to teacher that do not differentiate instruction.

Research update

As I prepare to share my important information from my research, it will be important for me to make sure I include background information which will explain how I decided on my topic and a basic understanding of how I will make my judgments.  Sharing the Design of the Inquiry which is explaining what I did and how I came up with my intentions.  As well as the data collections and analysis of the results. Stating the Learning and Supporting the Statements With Data will be explaining and understanding my findings.  Supporting an argument will be important to help explain the findings of the data. Blending my research and results into a table and sharing it with staff will be important.  Also blending a new or already formed workshop which will help teachers differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of each child in their class. Sharing the information with Administration, parents as well as teachers will serve beneficial in the growth of the students and help the teachers improve their instruction.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 Assignment

The videos for week 2 were excellent.  Johnny Briseno, Dr. Timothy Chargois & Dr. Kirk Lewis were very interesting and informative.  Week 2 Assignment's "Background - Real Life Research Action Examples" made it very clear to me as to what I need to expect as I was thinking about my own examples of action research.